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10 Qualities of a Godly Woman

Here are 10 qualities of a godly woman that you can strive for! These are some of the best attributes of a Christian woman that I do my best to follow.

The strength of a godly woman is unreal. Christian woman are strong, courageous, and loving in more ways than one.

There are many godly woman characteristics you can strive to have, and all are characteristics of Christ that you want to have in your life.

I’ve come up with a list of some of the top qualities of a good Christian woman from examples in my own life. Each of the attributes of a godly woman have scriptures and other references to help you become a more godly woman.

Check out these 10 qualities of a woman of God to help you learn how to be a Christian lady. These characteristics of a Christian woman are all ones we can always improve on and get better each and every day.

Use this as your bible study one day and try to see ways you already have these qualities of a Christian woman! 

There are many characteristics of a godly woman that we see in scripture, but they all point to one thing: how to love God, yourself, and others.

Through these qualities, we can become more like Christ and better serve the world around us.

Let’s take a look at some of these qualities of a godly woman and discuss how you can cultivate them in your own life!

10 Qualities of a Godly Woman pin image

Godly Women are Peaceful

One character of a Christian woman is being peaceful to all around them.

In the time of Jesus, many people were constantly angry and quick to fight. The apostle Paul writes, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26 KJV).

A godly woman seeks to be a peacemaker, not an instigator. She tries to calm herself down before getting upset, even when someone else is being difficult or causing unnecessary conflict.

This is so hard to do when you are upset with your spouse or kids. It is one quality I strive for each and every day and am still working on.

A woman of God is quick to forgive others for their wrongdoings against her and ask forgiveness when she has wronged another person.

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9 KJV.

Are you striving to be a peacemaker every day?

Godly Women are Kind

One of the words to describe a godly woman will always be kind.

They are not mean-spirited, and they treat others with respect regardless of their station in life. They don’t gossip or speak badly about others.

Woman helping elderly in a wheelchair

They don’t hold grudges against those who’ve done them wrong, but rather, they forgive and forget quickly so that they can move on with more positive thoughts in their mind.

Godly women also love themselves enough to not be too critical of themselves; instead, they focus on what is good about themselves as well as what makes them unique. When you are kind to yourself, you will always be kind to others.

Matthew 22:29 KJV says, “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

The key part of this scripture to me is the fact that you have to love yourself first in order to love your neighbor, and that all begins with being kind to yourself.

Godly women understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses—and that it’s okay for all people to have flaws! Godly women encourage others instead of tearing them down.

One of the best scriptures about a godly woman is Proverbs 31:25 KJV which reads, “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”

Strength, dignity, honor, all come with kindness.

Are you a kind woman, not only to others, but yourself?

Read these Psalms for strength.

Godly Women Respect their Husbands

Another one of the character qualities of a godly woman is respect, especially when it comes to husbands.

Godly women respect their husbands. This does not mean to be submissive and passive. Instead, it’s becoming one with your husband.

This is one of the qualities of a godly wife that I find of the highest importance, and is often overlooked.

How often do you hear a wife gossip or talk bad about their spouse when they are with their friends?

Family praying together

I made a commitment when I got married to never say anything rude, demeaning, or potentially hurtful about my spouse to anyone else. If you wouldn’t say it about anyone else, why would you say it about your true love?

Disagreements are going to happen; there is no way around that. But there is no need to fear disagreeing with your husband when you know that he loves you and wants what is best for you.

Disagreements are opportunities for growth, not reasons for strife or discord in the home. Godly women can disagree with their husbands without being disrespectful or unloving in any way. You can always communicate and work through your disagreements to collaborate, not compromise.

Genesis 2:24 KJV “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

While you may not think this is a godly woman scripture, I 100% believe it is. Just because it says a man, it applies to all. It is one of the best marriage bible verses.

Everyone must leave their families and cleave to their spouse. That means support them in everything, being kind and loving to them, and not speaking ill behind their backs.

It is one of the top qualities of a Christian wife I always want to have.

Are you respectful to your husband both when he is and isn’t around?

Godly Women have Integrity

Integrity is another one of the top 10 godly characteristics of a woman.

You want people to trust you, but most importantly, you want God to trust you.

A godly woman is more than a person who can be counted on; she is also someone who can be trusted with important information and responsibilities.

She maintains high standards of integrity in all aspects of her life, including her relationships, finances, job performance and family duties.

So many of God’s children are in difficult situations and will need help. If you have integrity, you can help them and provide them with peace, comfort, and hope. What better thing to do in life?

Do you have integrity in all that you do?

Godly Women Choose Their Words Carefully

One of the many signs of a godly woman that I am constantly working on is choosing my words carefully.

How many times has someone said something that has stuck with you that hurt? Whether or not they meant to hurt you, it was hard to hear.

Your mind will always remember those hurtful comments and they can be very traumatic.

Now, do you want your words to affect someone that way too? You must be deliberate and choose your words carefully all the time.

It is exhausting and very hard to do. But it is so worth it, especially when it comes to your children.

A godly mother will only uplift her children. Never make a rude comment about your kids, because it will stick with them all their lives.

You can discipline and correct without saying hurtful things. It is very doable and possible.

Godly women choose their words carefully. Their speech is filled with grace and wisdom, because they don’t gossip or speak negatively about others.

They also avoid saying things they don’t mean, or things that could be misinterpreted. All words from her mouth are uplifting and edifying to those around her.

Do you pay attention to the words you say to others?

Godly Women have a Teachable Spirit

Godly women are teachable. Godly women know that they don’t have all the answers, and they know that God is the only one who does.

They’re open to learning from others and from the Bible, from their experiences, and even from their mistakes!

It is hard to admit you are wrong and that you don’t know everything, especially as a mom and wife. But, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

Woman praying with a bible

They aren’t afraid to ask questions when they don’t understand something or someone’s motives in a situation. This doesn’t mean that you should jump into every conversation with “I don’t get it.”

Rather, being teachable means you’re willing to listen carefully before making an opinion about something.

This is one of the qualities of godly women that is useful as a spouse, mother, disciple of Christ, and in every single aspect of your life.

Do you have a teachable spirit?

Godly Women are Selfless and Serve Others

A godly woman is selfless, which means she cares for and serves others. It is one of the tricky traits of a godly woman because it clashes with this and the next one.

Selflessness is not just about serving others, but also about knowing the difference between self-care and selfishness.

Selfishness comes from a place of fear and insecurity, while self-care comes from a place of peace and confidence in who we are as God’s children. When we start to doubt ourselves or question our ability to do something, it can lead us down a destructive path where we begin putting ourselves first over everyone else around us—and that isn’t being godly at all!

Serving others is a good way to show love to them and to our Father in Heaven.

Serving others is a good way to grow in God’s love. It helps us become more like Christ, who loved unconditionally and served wholeheartedly.

Serving others is a good way to share the light of Christ with people who may not have heard about Him before, because serving them leads them to you and your faith in Jesus will shine through you.

Serving others humbles us as well—it reminds us that we’re not better than anyone else; we’re just here on this earth for a while to help those around us enjoy life more fully and make it easier for them when they are suffering from hardships or illness or some other trial that comes their way (or ours!).

Serving others also fulfills our purpose here on earth: loving each other!

Are you selfless? Do you serve others?

Godly Women Take Care of Themselves

You can be selfless and still take care of yourself. Self-care is crucial, like mentioned above with the second great commandment.

Godly women take care of themselves. They know that God has made them in His image, and therefore they are to be respected and treated with kindness by others.

If you don’t respect your own body, who will? When it comes to taking care of your needs and desires as a woman, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

Some people love long bubble baths while others prefer getting together with their friends for a girls’ night out or some yoga.

Woman doing yoga

Whatever your preference may be, find something that works for you: maybe it’s reading the latest book series or binge watching Netflix shows on rainy days; maybe it’s going to bed early so that you’re well rested for tomorrow; or maybe it’s just taking longer showers than usual so that you can sing along at full volume under the stream of water.

Whatever satisfies your soul is what matters most here!

Practice self-care as often as you can. A big part of self-care is to learn how to give yourself grace too.

Check out these bible verses for struggling moms to further help you know your worth and take care of yourself.

Do you practice self-care regularly?

Godly Women are Humble

You have to be humble to be a godly woman. Humility is so important.

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” Philippians 2:4 KJV

You can know your worth and still be humble.

Humble women are not rude or impatient with others who have different opinions from theirs; instead they listen to those who disagree without judging them or thinking better of themselves.

The more you focus on Christ, the less you will focus on the things of this world, and the more humility you will have in your heart.

Are you humble?

Godly Women Share the Light of Christ

Finally, godly women share the light of Christ with anyone and everyone, no matter where they go!

Share the light of Christ with others. Godly women are not afraid to share their faith in public, but they do so thoughtfully and carefully as mentioned in 1 Peter 3:15 KJV: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

A godly woman knows that her words can have a profound impact on those around her, so she uses them wisely and to only uplift like Christ does.

Share the light of Christ by example. One of the most powerful ways that you can share your faith is through your actions rather than just your words: by living out your beliefs and loving others well!

You never know who will need the light of Christ in your life. So, always be ready to share Christ wherever you go.

If someone asked you why they should believe in Jesus, what would you say? What would show them what it means to follow Him?

10 Qualities of a Godly Woman Wrap-Up

Now, please don’t get me wrong: these characteristics are all attributes you can cultivate in your own life, but they don’t happen overnight. You will make mistakes, and if you mess up, don’t beat yourself up.

If you’re struggling to meet these standards, it’s not because you’re a bad person or that God doesn’t want to use you. Life is always about trying, especially after we make a mistake.

If we want to be more like Christ and live as the women of God he calls us to be, we must acknowledge where our weaknesses lie and make the effort to overcome them.

I hope this article has helped you understand what it means to be a godly woman to me. This is an important topic and one that is always expanding and growing.

Use these 10 Qualities of a Godly Woman as a starting point and a way to help remind you how you can become more like Christ and help God’s children.

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